If you have smaller amounts allocated for execution of trades, then it is recommended that you select matching systems. They provide an automatic management of credit lines.
The credit line of each trading counterparty is entered by the traders so that when the credit lines have been reached, the matching system automatically ends the transactions with the particular counterparty. It shows the restrictions that have been faced and can resume the trading activities when the credit line is resolved.
Speed, reliability and safety that are observed in the dealing systems are also found in the matching system. However, matching systems differ from dealing systems by their anonymous nature in which the individual trader executes trades against the whole market.
This is similar to the nature of the brokers' trading. On the other hand, matching systems differ from brokers' markets since there are no individuals who bring the prices to the market. Additionally, limited liquidity is sometimes observed.
Dealing systems, matching systems and brokers complement their activities under the conditions of an inter-bank market.

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